An evening with Kobi Oz

Kobi Oz was lead singer-songwriter for Teapacks, an extremely successful Israeli pop band. When the band split up Kobi spent several years, in his words, “soaking in the sweet marinade of Judaism”. He emerged from this period with a new acoustic world music band, and a brand new album: Mizmorei Nevuchim – Psalms of the Perplexed.

The songs explore where Israel has become a fascinating interface between ancient texts and modern sensibilities, between religiosity and secularity, between deep seriousness and mischief.

Psalms for the Perplexed is an album that touches on all three of our themes in a wonderfully celebratory manner. Its impish creativity dances among the concerns and the traditions of the Jewish People while enjoying and questioning its place in the land of Israel. For more about the album, here is an article about the band’s performance at Limmud UK conference.

We have created a website for you to explore this album at no cost. Every song on the album is presented as a video clip with English subtitles, and we offer background information and guiding questions for each one.

We’d recommend exploring Elohay, The Prayer of the Secular, and Nikbat HaShiloach for starters…


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